1. Where do your products ship from?
    • Our products are shipped from China

  2. How long will it take for you to ship my order?
    • Within 1-4 business days

  3. Where do you ship to?
    • We currently ship internationally to:
      • Indonesia
      • Malaysia
      • Singapore

  4. What is the estimated delivery time?
    • Indonesia 7-15 business days
    • Malaysia 5-10 business days (West), 6-14 business days (East)
    • Singapore 5-10 business days

      * In case of unforeseen circumstances, such as labor shortages, holidays, bad weather, peak-time deliveries, incorrect customs paperwork, supply chain issues, inaccurate shipping information, etc., will affect the estimated delivery time

  5. How do I track my parcel?
    • Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking number and carrier's website URL via email once the service is confirmed with the courier. You can track your order using the tracking number on the website

  6. Are all your items in stock?
    • We endeavor to keep our website updated with item availability. However, if we have insufficient stock or are unable to obtain the items from our suppliers, we will inform you by email as soon as possible and refund the full sum paid to your original payment method

  7. Can I change my order after it has been placed?
    • We will try our best to accommodate any changes required, however, please note that once your order has been shipped, it cannot be changed

  8. Can I change the shipping address after the product has been shipped?
    • Once the product has been shipped, the consignee's information cannot be changed

  9. When can I apply for a Return / Refund?
    • If you receive a parcel with missing items, wrong product, damaged item or your order is lost in transit, please contact us. We will work with you to resolve the issue as quickly as possible, which may include providing a refund